
 I don´t wanna lose you, this good thing that I´ve got
Cause if I do I will surely, surely lose a lot
Cause your love is better, than any love i know


Postat av: Louice

så lite så =)

2009-04-08 @ 16:21:45
URL: http://louicekarlsson.devote.se
Postat av: Johanna

jennifer...du har inget att säga förlåt för!<3

2009-04-08 @ 17:57:09
URL: http://jjohannasu.blogg.se/
Postat av: Majja

Let me be the one you call

If you jump I'll break your fall

Lift you up and fly away with you into the night

If you need to fall apart

I can mend a broken heart

If you need to crash then crash and burn

You're not alone <3

2009-04-10 @ 18:55:06
URL: http://majjjjjja.blogg.se/

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